Chloe Grace Press shares her favorite drink, an extra dirty martini.

What’s the best way to enjoy a martini? Vodka, extra dirty, and served with fries, according to Family Style’s accessories editor Chloe Grace Press. “Always best with a Perelló olive,” says Press, “and the dirtier the better!” Like her go-to cocktail, her styling is modern and sharp. One can imagine her elegant models, which most recently included Saoirse Ronan, sipping the same drink, stone-faced on a city street or on the beach.
- 2 ounces vodka
- 1 tablespoon olive brine (Perello olives)
- Ice
- 1 drop of Vermouth
- 1 olive
- Pour vodka and olive brine into a shaker and your drop of Vermouth. Add a few ice cubes. Close the shaker and shake a few times to chill and dilute your drink. (about six seconds should do it).
- Strain into a martini glass.
- Garnish with one olive on a silver toothpick