Alexander Fury’s favorite dishes are those made by his boyfriend with love, like pasta bolognese.
This holiday season, London-based fashion archivist and menswear critic, Alexander Fury is thankful for his partner Joseph. “Luckily, he is a phenomenal and natural amateur chef,” says Fury. “Given that my cooking expertise extends to, perhaps, unwrapping a frozen pizza—a valuable life skill passed down from my mother, whose prowess is perhaps now surpassed by my own—I rely heavily on his kindness,” he adds. Rather than providing a recipe for, say, Joseph’s bolognese, Fury opts to share his formula for waiting.
- Wait for my long-suffering and extremely culinarily-talented boyfriend to ask me what I want for dinner. Relay that I’d like something with pasta, please.
- Leave me to sit, for approximately 45 minutes. Stewing in own juices while watching reruns of The Golden Girls optional. Although the one where they think Sophia is dying due to indigestion feels especially appropriate.
- Be served with a perfectly conceived and prepared meal. And be very grateful for it. And indulgent of Joe’s need to document it via photography, which also came in use.